List of knots
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This list of knots includes many alternate names for common knots. The overhand knot, for example, is also known as the thumb knot. The figure-of-eight knot is also known as the savoy knot or the Flemish knot.
- Adjustable bend
- Adjustable grip hitch
- Adjustable loop
- Albright knot
- Alpine butterfly bend
- Alpine butterfly knot
- Alpine coil
- Alternate ring hitching
- Anchor bend
- Angler's knot
- Angler's loop
- Arbor knot
- Artillery loop
- Ashley's bend
- Ashley's stopper knot
- Axle hitch
- Bachmann knot
- Bag knot
- Bait loop
- Bale sling hitch
- Barrel hitch
- Barrel knot
- Barrel sling
- Becket hitch
- Beer knot
- Bimini twist
- Blackwall hitch
- Blake's hitch
- Blood knot
- Blood loop knot
- Boa knot
- Bottle sling
- Bowen knot
- Bowline
- Bowline on a bight
- Bumper knot
- Buntline hitch
- Butterfly knot
- Carrick bend
- Carrick mat
- Cat's paw
- Catshank
- Chain stitch
- Clove hitch
- Common whipping
- Constrictor knot
- Continuous ring hitching
- Corned beef knot
- Cow hitch
- Cow hitch and bowline
- Cowboy bowline
- Diagonal lashing
- Diamond knot
- Directional figure eight
- Dogshank
- Double bowline
- Double carrick bend
- Double constrictor knot
- Double figure eight bend
- Double figure eight
- Double fisherman knot or Double Englishman knot
- Double loop
- Double overhand
- Double pile hitch
- Double sheet bend
- Double Windsor (for use in neckties)
- Dropper loop
- Dutch marine bowline
- Falconer's knot
- Farmer's loop
- Figure-of-eight follow through
- Figure-of-eight knot
- Figure-of-eight loop
- Fiodor knot
- Fireman's chair knot
- Fisherman's bend
- Fisherman's knot
- Flemish bend
- Flemish knot
- Hackamore
- Half hitch
- Halter hitch
- Handcuff knot
- Hangman's knot
- Magnus hitch
- Manharness knot
- Marlinespike hitch
- Midshipman's hitch
- Miller's knot
- Monkey's fist
- Munter friction hitch
- One-sided overhand bend
- Overhand bend
- Overhand knot with draw-loop
- Overhand knot
- Oysterman's stopper knot
- Racking bend
- Reef knot
- Rigger's bend
- Ring bend
- Ring hitch
- Ring knot
- Rolling hitch
- Rosendahl bend
- Round turn and two half hitches
- Round turn
- Running knot
- Sailor's hitch
- Savoy knot
- Sheepshank
- Sheet bend
- Simple knot
- Single carrick bend
- Single hitch
- Slip knot
- Slipped buntline hitch
- Slippery eight loop
- Slippery hitch
- Span loop
- Spanish Bowline
- Splice
- Square knot
- Square lashing
- Square Turk's head
- Stein knot
- Stevedore knot
- Stockgrower's lash
- Strap hitch
- Surgeon's knot
- Surgeon's loop
- Tarbuck knot
- Taut-line hitch
- Tent hitch
- Thief knot
- Thumb knot
- Timber hitch
- Tom fool's knot
- Trident loop
- Triple bowline
- Trucker's hitch
- True lover's knot
- Tug boat hitch
- Turle knot
- Twined Turk's head
- Two half hitches
- Two strand overhand knot
- Wagoner's hitch
- Water bowline
- Water knot
- Waterman's knot
- West country whipping
- Whipped rope
See also
- List of bend knots
- List of binding knots
- List of coil knots
- List of hitch knots
- List of friction hitches
- List of lashing knots
- List of loop knots
- List of shortening knots
- List of slip knots
- List of seizing knots
- List of splices
- List of stopper knots
- List of trick knots