Scouting and Guiding in Ukraine
Scouting in Ukraine received World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) recognition in July 2008. The Eurasian Region headquarters is located on Ukrainian territory.
2008 WOSM recognition
The World Scout Bureau received an application for membership of the World Organization from the National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine (NOSU).[1] In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of WOSM, the World Scout Committee considered this application at its meeting on 29 February-2 March, 2008, and recommended that it be accepted. Under the terms of Article VI.2 of the WOSM Constitution, “if within three months the recommendation is unopposed or opposed by less than five percent of the Member Organizations”, NOSU was declared a Member, as the National Scout Organization of Ukraine, of the World Organization of the Scout Movement as from 1 July 2008.
Ukrainian Scout organizations
- Asotsiatsiya Haydiv Ukrayiny ("Association of Ukrainian Guides"), member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, with 968 members
- Asotsiatsiya Skautiv Ukraïni ("Association of Scouts of Ukraine" ASU, Ukrainian-speaking)
- ISKRA (Spark) Crimean Scout Association, supported by the Scouts de France
- Kárpátaljai Magyar Cserkészszövetség (KáMCSSZ), ethnic Hungarian Scouts in Ukraine linked to Magyar Cserkészszövetség
- Khar'kovskaya Oblastnaya Organizatsiya Skautov ("Kharkiv Oblast Organization of Scouts", Russian-speaking)
- Luhans'ka Oblasna Organizatsiya Skautiv ("Luhansk Oblast Organization of Scouts", Ukrainian-speaking)
- National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine, member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement; 2,475 individual members
- Plast, the largest Scouting organization in Ukraine
- Chornomortsi, "Sailors of the Black Sea"
- Ulad Starshoho Plastunstva ("Order of Senior Scouting", Ukrainian Rovers)
- Vseukrajinska molodizhna gromadska organizatsiya "SPOK [2] (Спілка піонерських організацій міста Києва/"Union of Pioneer Organizations of Kiev" 1990-1992, Спілка дитячих та юнацьких організацій міста Києва/"Union of the Children and Youth organizations of the City of Kyiv" 1993-2003, since 2003 the Всеукраїнська молодіжна громадська організація "СПОК"/All Ukrainian Youth Public Organization "SPOK") SPOK is an acrostic of the four words of the organization's motto (S – самостійність (samostijnist') independence, P – порядність (poryadnist') decency, O – оптимізм (optimizm) optimism, кмітливість (kmitlyvist') quick-wittedness)
- All-Ukrainian organization Sich (Січ) meaning Cossack fortress
- Plast, the largest Scouting organization in Ukraine
- Ruthenian Girl and Boy Scouts
- Spilka Ukraïns'koï Molodi ("Ukrainian Youth Association", SUM)
- Skif PLUS (Днепропетровская Областная Детская Общественная Организация "Скиф Плюс") - regional organization of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
- Organizatsiya Ukraïns'kykh Skautiv (Organization of Ukrainian Scouts), provisional member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts
- YMCA Scouts of Ukraine
Program sections
- Novaky (Cub Scouts) - aged 7 to 11
- Yunatstvo (Scouts) - 12 to 18
- Starshi plastuny (Rovers) - 18 to 30
- Sen'yory (Seniors) - 30+
Spilka Ukraïns'koï Molodi ("Ukrainian Youth Association")
- Cymeniata (youngest members) - ages 3 to 5
- Molodshe Yunatstvo (younger members) - ages 6 to 12
- Starshe Yunatstvo (older members) - ages 13 – 17
- Druszynnyky (Councillors/Leaders) - ages 18 – 49
- Seiniory (Seniors) - ages 50+
A Ukrainian who attributes themselves to the СУМ organization is named Sumivets.
Program and methods
The Plast Scout Motto is Skob!, an acronym for Syl'no! Krasno! Oberezhno! Bystro! meaning "With Strength! With Beauty! With Care! With Speed!" in Ukrainian. The Scout Motto for other ethnic Ukrainian Scouting organizations is Hotuis!, Be Prepared. The Scout Motto for ethnic Russian Scouting organizations in Ukraine is Bud' gotov.
The Ukrainian noun for a single Scout is Skaut or Plastun. Plast was founded by Oleksander Tysovsky in 1911.
The First Ukrainian Scout Jamboree (Template:Lang-uk) was held from August 15-25, 1996 near Nevytsky Castle in Zakarpattia Oblast. It was organized by the Lisovi Chorty, a service fraternity within Plast . More than 700 plastuns from Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, USA, Canada, Germany and Scouts and Guides from other Ukrainian Scout organizations as well as international guests from Sweden, Moldova, Denmark, France and Poland took part.
The Second Ukrainian Scout Jamboree (Template:Lang-uk), concerning the 20th anniversary of Plast and Scouting renewal in Ukraine, took place in the valley of Dzhurynskyy waterfall, Zalishchynskyy district, Ternopil Oblast near Czerwonogród castle. More than 1300 plastuns and Ukrainian scouts from all regions of Ukraine and from USA, Germany, Estonia and Belgium were registered at Jamboree. Among Ukrainian participants of Jamboree, there were scouts from Algeria, Georgia and Poland. [1]
- Skif Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Organization of Scouts.png
Skif Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Organization of Scouts
International Scout units in Ukraine
In addition, there are Girl Scouts of the USA Overseas in Kiev, serviced by way of USAGSO headquarters in New York; as well as Cub Scout Pack 3980 and Boy Scout Troop 980, both of Kiev, linked to the Direct Service branch of the Boy Scouts of America, which supports units around the world. Finally, Russian emigré Scout organizations, generally aligned to either NORS or ORYuR but not connected with RAS/N, have independent branches in Ukraine.
See also
- Scouting in displaced persons camps
- Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
External links
- UYA/СУМ Homepage
- Plast homepage, in Ukrainian and English
- SPOK homepage
- Homepage of the Organizatsiya Ukraïns'kych Skautiv
- Homepage of the Luhans'ka Oblasna Organizatsiya Skautiv
- ISKRA - Crimean Scouts
- ADS SKIF - Scouting in Dnipropetrovsk
- YMCA Scouts-Ukraine
- Association of Ukrainian Guides