Scouting and Guiding in the Czech Republic
The Scout and Guide movement in the Czech Republic is served by
- Junák, member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts,of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and of International Scout and Guide Fellowship
- Asociace Skautek a Skautů Evropy (ASSE), belonging to the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe [1]
- Skaut-Ceský Scouting ABS (nonaligned to a supranational organization) [2]
- Svaz Skautů a Skautek (nonaligned to a supranational organization) [3]
- YMCA-Skaut (nonaligned to a supranational organization) [4]
- Klub Pathfinder, affiliated to Pathfinders International [5]
- Harcerstwo Polskie w Republice Czeskiej (a Polish émigré Scout group) [6]
- Serving the Czech community outside of the country is a combined Scouts-in-Exile organization, Czech and Slovak Scouts Abroad
- -s-YMCAlogo.png
Czech Scouting in exile
The Czechoslovak government-in-exile officially restored Junák and Czech and Slovak Scout groups were founded in exile, especially in the North of England and the South of Scotland, Rover Crews were founded in the Czechoslovak Armed Units in the United Kingdom and elsewere.[1]:131
In 1948 Scouting was banned again in Czechoslovakia. Czech and Slovak refugees founded again Czech and Slovak Scout groups in exile. Junák-in-Exile was formed as a National Scout Organisation-in-Exile for Czechoslovak Scouting From 1948 to 1950 they were members of the Displaced Persons Scout Division of the Boy Scouts International Bureau.[1]:145-146.
After the end of Prague Spring in 1968 thousands of refugees left their homeland and many Scouts were among them.[1]:151. So the existing Junák units in many countries were enlarged and new Scout groups were founded in many countries.[1]:151. The Czech and Slovak Scouts-in-Exile in Switzerland founded in cooperation with the Scouts of Switzerland new Junák units.[1]:151 Junák was also active in countries such as Austria,Germany,Luxembourg and the Netherlands.[1]:151
After the Rebirth of Scouting in Czechoslovakia the Exile movement were disbanded and its members became members of Junák or of the N.S.O.s of their countries of residence.[1]:156[1]:71 The Emblem showed on the left is the badge of Czech and Slovak Scouting Abroad, before 1989 this Emblem was in use with the text: Czech and Slovak Scouting Exile.[1]:151
International Scouting units in the Czech Republic
In addition, there are USA Girl Scouts Overseas in Prague, serviced by way of USAGSO headquarters in New York; as well as In addition, there are American Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, linked to the Edelweiss District of the Transatlantic Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which supports units in west-and-central Europe, the Near East and North Africa.
See also