Wood Badge Ticket Project on ScoutWiki

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Are you a Adult Scout Leader looking to complete five Wood Badge tickets to promote Scouting? Please consider writing one or more Scouting themed articles on the ScoutWiki. Good luck with your Wood Badge training!

  • Remember that you write for all Scouts who can read English, assume only the prior knowledge that all scouts have.

Ticket #1: Grow Scouting

A steady flow of youth into a each scout unit is essential to maintaining unit health. New Scouts bring energy and enthusiasm to the program. To avoid the pitfall of shrinking membership, aim to add at least 10 new Scouts every year. Having a year-round growth plan in place will help attract new Scouts.

  1. Recruitment Resources (Boy Scouts of America) - How to grow scouting in your community :

Ticket #2: Sample Article

The biggest need we have is creating ScoutWiki online resources specific to each council (See List_of_BSA_Local_Councils):

  • Update Council Home Article - Fairs, Camping, Service Projects, OA Lodge, etc (For a good example of council webpage article see: San Diego-Imperial Council, however, even this one has a bit yet to be done.

Another idea is, if you can read or write another language, to translate an article from or to that language, there are ScoutWikis in 13 languages.

Here are some sample articles: (Blue links = article started / red links = Articles needing help)
