Duty to God Adventures

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Duty to God Adventures - scouting activities that promote learning about Duty to God.

  1. Ten Commandments Hike - town center day hike to visit local churches.
  2. Religious Emblems Program - Title used for a number of religious scouting awards.
  3. Chaplain's Aide - Each scout troop, crew and ship should have a youth serving as Chaplain Aide to teach scouts about their duty to God and to promote scouting's Religious Emblems Program.
  4. Scout Sunday -
  5. Calendar of Religious Dates (BSA) -There are certain holidays that individual Scouts and Scouters of different faiths celebrate each year. These holidays are not always on the same date on the calendar and may not be familiar to everyone. In order to respect the traditions of all Scouts and Scouters, care must be taken in scheduling Scouting activities.
  6. Scouts' Own Inter-faith Worship Services - frequently held at weekend campouts.