Scout Method (Scouting Ireland)
The Scout Method is a system based on the concept of self-education and it is also progressive. The Scout Method was designed by the Founder, Robert Baden-Powell and forms the basis of how we achieve our Aim. The elements of the Scout Method can be illustrated as follows.
Young People & Adults working together
Voluntary membership of a group which, guided by adults, is increasingly self-governing in its successive age groups
Promise & Law
Commitment to a code of living as expressed in the Promise and Law, the meaning of which is expanded as the member grows towards maturity
Nature & the Out of Doors
The provision of a wide range of attractive, constructive and challenging activities, including opportunities for adventure and exploration in the outdoors
Learning by doing
Having hands-on and interactive activities allowing young people to take ownership of their activities.
Small Group System
Encouragement of activities in small groups
Personal Progression
An award scheme, which encourages participation in its full range of activities and provides recognition and group achievements
Symbolic Framework
The use of words, names, stories, props, etc. on a specific theme which stimulate the imagination and provide a purpose for activities
Service & Commitment
The commitment to building a better society by involvment in Community Activities