Spe-Le-Yai Lodge

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Spe-Le-Yai Lodge #246, Order of the Arrow - Song of the Coyote -


The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America for Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Scouters elected by their fellow Scouts according to OA membership requirements, and inducted into membership by an OA lodge. The OA has been providing cheerful service to others through youth and adult OA members (known as "Arrowmen") in various lodges and councils throughout the USA since July 1915.

Lodge History

Spe-Le-Yai is the Shoshone word for the “Song of the Coyote.” The lodge totem is a coyote singing to the darkened sky. Spe-Le-Yai was responsible for conducting the first ordeal ceremonies for many of the early Lodges in Southern California. Including the Siwinis Lodge as well as several of the lodges which merged to become Ta Tanka lodge. Siwinis and Ta Tanka recently meged to form the Tuku’ut lodge.

Verdugo Hills Council

This district is part of The Verdugo Hills Council (VHC), headquartered in Glendale, California, and serves youth members and volunteer leaders through Scout units Covers San Fernando Valley. It is a local council (#058) of the Boy Scouts of America. All youth are invited to join scouting.