World Brotherhood Camporee

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The World Brotherhood Camporee is a weekend-long camping trip, held every September (rain or shine), with approximately 3,000 Scouts from Canada and the U.S.A. in attendance. The camporee takes place either in the Hiawatha Seaway Council, New York or in the Loyalist Area of the Voyageur Council, Ontario, Canada.

In even years, it's held on the US side at Wellesley Island State Park (in the Thousand Islands across from Clayton, NY).

In odd years it's held in Canada at Riverside Cedar Provincial Park (near Morrisburg, ON).

The program varies from camporee to camporee but the one big constant is badge/Council Strip trading.

Proceeds from the camp help support projects of the Canadian Scout Brotherhood Fund.

Program Highlights for 2009:

Tomahawk Throw, Brotherhood Display, Rope Bridge, Climbing Wall, Archery, Scout Shop Saturday Entertainment (“Tele Foto”), Jungle Cat World, Kayak Boating

External links