Recruitment Resources (Boy Scouts of America)

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Resources to Assist Volunteers of the Boy Scouts of America with their unit recruitment:

Unit Recruiter

Unit New Member Coordinator

General Recruiting Tips

3) Invite A Friend: By far the single most effective recruitment tool is a word of month referral youth-to-youth or parent-to-parent. Scouting holds weekly, monthly annual activities that are fun. All activity announcements sent to families by phone, mail, flyer, text, etc should always carry a note to Invite a Friend.
3.1) Visitor Attendance Log: Each unit should keep a visitor attendance log. Some units may award a year end prize or family membership discount to the top 1-3 recruiters of the year.
3.2) Pass-A-Long Card: A simple 3x5 type invite card. Front side is a colorful invite and the backside has contact information for the troop, troop website,, etc. (See example to the right.)
4) Every Scout unit should check their listing here periodically.

Cub Scout Pack Recruitment

Scouts BSA Troop Recruitment

Venturing Crew Recruitment

Sea Scouts Recruitment

District Recruitment Committee