Finance Basics for Scout Units

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Guidance for Troop/Pack/Crew/Ship Treasurers and their Assistants:


Fiscal Year Layout

There are several ways to set the fiscal year for your scout year.

  1. Calendar Year [Jan-Dec] - traditional format
  2. School Year (Troop) [Aug-Jul] - Preferred format for troops and crews with the following benefits:
    • Membership dues and fundraisers are collected at the beginning of the year with eye towards preparing major events of the year
    • Year ends with major expenditure event - (summer camp and/or hi-adventure or jamboree)
  1. School Year (Pack) [Jul-Jun] - Preferred format for packs - all the same reasons as above.

Partial year adjustment: You can declare an odd year - one with either fewer months or extra months for if you want to move your unit from a Calendar Year to a School year fiscal program (or vice-versa).


  • 2020 Scout Unit Billing Worksheet - Download and Use this worksheet to track what each family in your unit owes, credits given and payment history. With grand totals.