Alabama State Parks

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Alabama State Parks


State Parks

  1. Cathedral Caverns State Park, located in Marshall County in Northeast Alabama is home to some of the largest underground cavern formations in the greater southeast. Camping, hiking and backcountry trails are also here.
  2. Cheaha State Park is a 2719 mountain-top wilderness preserve. Facilities include a 30-unit resort inn, restaurant, vacation cottages, chalets, modern campground, picnic areas, biking trails, hiking trails and lots of beautiful scenery. One of the most popular destinations in the state park system. Trailhead to the Pinhoti National Recreation Trail.
  3. Lake Lurleen State Park is a public recreation area located on U.S. Highway 82 approximately 9 miles northwest of Northport in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. The state park's 1,625 acres includes scenic Lake Lurleen and a 23-mile trail system.

State Beaches

State Historical Parks

  1. Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park - more than 1,500 acres in three counties set aside for hiking, camping and outdoor recreation. A miniature railroad chugs through the pines. From spring through fall, the blacksmith, miller and craftsmen demonstrate their trades. Craft shops occupy restored pioneer cabins and artisans chat with visitors from their front porches. Steeped in history, Tannehill feels timeless. The cotton gin, pioneer farm and working gristmill preserve a long-gone way of life. Hiking trails retrace historic roadways. Artifacts of Alabama’s 19th century iron industry displayed in the Iron and Steel Museum put in perspective the massive stone furnaces, Tannehill’s awe-inspiring centerpiece. Group camping available at the adjacent Camp Jack Wright boy scout camp.