Združenje slovenskih katoliških skavtinj in skavtov
Združenje slovenskih katoliških skavtinj in skavtov (ZSKSS, The Slovene Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association) is the national Guiding organization of Slovenia. Guiding in Slovenia was started in 1922. The ZSKSS was founded in 1990 and became a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1996. The overall organization is coeducational while the patrols are single-sex. The ZSKSS has 5,256 members (as of 2003) in 41 groups all over Slovenia.
Affiliated to ZSKSS is the Slovenska Zamejska Skavtska Organizacija (SZSO) serving Slovenian Scouts in Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy, which is also affiliated to the Associazione Guide e Scout Cattolici Italiani.[1]
For individual members of ZSKSS, Zveza tabornikov Slovenije, the Slovenian WOSM-member, guarantees the right of personal WOSM-membership.
- Main article at History of Slovenian Scouting
The association works in three age sections:
- Cub Scouts (both genders) - ages 7 to 11
- Girls Guides/Boy Scouts - ages 11 to 16
- Rangers/Rovers - ages 16 to 21
The Cub Scout Motto is "Kar najbolje", translating as "The best possible" in Slovenian. The Scout Motto is "Bodi pripravljen!", translating as "Be Prepared" in Slovenian. The Rover Scout Motto is "Služiti drugemu", translating as "To serve others" in Slovenian.
Scout Oath
Pri svoji vesti obljubljam, da si bom z vso močjo prizadeval vestno služiti Bogu in domovini, pomagati svojemu bližnjemu in izpolnjevati skavtske zakone.
On my honor I promise that with divine help I will conscientiously serve God and my native land, help other people and obey the Guide/Scout Law.
Scout Law
- Skavt si šteje v čast, da si pridobi zaupanje
A Guide's/Scout's honor is to be trusted. - Skavt je zvest Bogu in domovini
A Guide/Scout is loyal. - Skavt pomaga bližnjemu in naredi vsak dan vsaj eno dobro delo
A Guide/Scout helps others and does at least one Good Turn every day. - Skavt je prijatelj vsakomur in vsem skavtom in skavtinjam brat
A Guide/Scout is a friend to all, and a sister/brother to every other Scout. - Skavt je plemenit
A Guide/Scout is couteous. - Skavt spoštuje naravo in v njej vidi božje delo
A Guide/Scout respects nature seeing in it the work of God. - Skavt uboga svoje starše in predstojnike ter vestno opravlja svoje dolžnosti
A Guide/Scout obeys her/his parents and her/his superiors and conscientiously performs her/his duries. - Skavt si v težavah žvinga in poje
A Guide/Scout whistles and sings in difficulties. - Skavt je delaven in varčen
A Guide/Scout is hard-working and thrifty. - Skavt je čist v mislih, besedah in dejanjih
A Guide/Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.
- World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, World Bureau (1997), Trefoil Round the World. Eleventh Edition 1997. ISBN 0-900827-75-0
- ↑ "Memorandum tra AGESCI e SZSO". http://www.fvg.agesci.it/DOWNLOAD/nodino-6-99.zip. Retrieved 2007-01-08.
See also
External links