Yosemite Klondike Derby
Yosemite Klondike Derby - Winter Camporee in the Sierra Nevadas
This camporee is sponsored by Toloma Lodge 64 of the Greater Yosemite Council in Mid-February of each year. At this Winter Camporee scouts come test your winter survival skills at a genuine Sierra Nevada winter snow camp.
The Klondike Derby will be held at Camp McConnell. This is the winter camping event for the Greater Yosemite Council Scouts. Please note the instructions included in this publication carefully, and make sure that your Scouts are well prepared, and well equipped to participate in the Klondike, and most of all to have a GREAT experience. If you have not already planned to do so, it is a good idea to have a Klondike “Shake down” campout prior to the Klondike Derby. This is useful for many reasons, but most of all to let your Scouts get a feel for what to expect, what equipment and clothing they might need to improve on, and to check out their Scout Craft skills, sledgerunning abilities, and a variety of other items. Adult leaders and SPLs with little or no cold weather camping experience can benefit from Basic Winter Awareness Training offered in the month of January. See Council calendar for details.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any member of the Order of the Arrow for assistance prior to or at the Klondike Derby. The Order of the Arrow Lodge is anxious to make this the best experience for the Council Scouts and Scouters. We welcome your help, and your advice. If your unit has older Scouts and/or Scouters who would like to assist or be part of the Staff, or to assist with operating the "cities," please have them contact us right away.
Klondike Derby
This is the Gold Rush Klondike Derby. The activity locations are the Alaskan cities on the way to the Klondike. At each city the "Mayor" will award points for the patrol's performance. The points received at each event are used to calculate the Awards for the “Awards Ceremony”.
Klondike Sledges should be built "as closely as possible" to the specifications on the enclosed plans and will be inspected before the events starts. The youth and leaders of the Toloma Lodge of the Order of the Arrow will run the events.
GYC Council
This lodge is part of The Greater Yosemite Council (GYC), which proudly serves youth members and volunteer leaders through Scout units in Modesto, Stockton, Calaveras and San Joaquin regions of Cenetral California. It is a local council (#059) of the Boy Scouts of America. All youth are invited to join scouting.