Association Nationale des Scouts d'Haïti

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The Association Nationale des Scouts d'Haïti (ANSH, National Association of the Scouts of Haiti; in local dialect Eskout Asisyen Scouts d'Haïti) is the national Scouting organisation of Haiti. Scouting in Haiti started in 1916 and became a member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) in 1932 and again in 1940. The coeducational association has 9,859 members (as of 2004).


The first Scout groups in Haiti began their work in 1916 and formed an assocition in 1926. In 1932, this association became a member of WOSM, but membership was cancelled in 1939.

In 1940, a new association, the Association Nationale des Scouts d’Haïti, was created. It was recognized by WOSM in the same year.


Asides of the traditional Scouting program, the ANSH is deeply engaged in the development of the country. Fields of work are

  • fighting illiteracy
  • afforestation
  • environmental protection
  • evening-schools
  • international exchanges
  • services to the community
  • AIDS-prevention

After the Hurricane Jeanne in 2004, the association helped with the reconstraction of Gonaïves. They were supported through donations by the world wide community of Scouts, especially by the Scouts de France.

Age groups

The association is divided in three age-groups:

  • Lovetaux - Cub Scouts (ages 8 to 11)
  • Scouts (ages 11 to 17)
  • Rovers or Routiers (ages 17 to 22)

See also

External links


  • World Scout Bureau (1979), Scouting 'Round the World. 1979 edition. ISBN 2-88052-001-0
  • World Organization of the Scout Movement (1990), Scoutin 'Round the World. 1990 edition. ISBN 2-88052-001-0
Members of the Interamerican Scout Region

Full members: Argentina | Aruba | Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Bolivia | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curacao | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Dutch Caribbean | Ecuador | El Salvador | Grenada | Guatemala | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Jamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Suriname | Trinidad and Tobago | United States | Uruguay | Venezuela
Associate members:
Countries without Scouting: Cuba