Scouting and Guiding in Mississippi
Scouting in Mississippi has a long history, from the 1910s to the present day, serving thousands of youth in programs that suit the environment in which they live.
Early history (1910-1950)
Until 1948, some southern councils of the Boy Scouts of America were racially segregated. Colored Troops, as they were officially known, were given little support from Districts and Councils. Some Scouting executives and leaders believed that Colored Scouts and Leaders would be less able to live up to the ideals of the Boy Scouts. The National Office began a program of integrating local councils in 1940, which was largely complete in 1948.
Recent history (1950-1990)
Boy Scouting in Mississippi
There are eight Boy Scouts of America local councils in Mississippi.
- Andrew Jackson Council
- Chickasaw Council
- Choctaw Area Council #302
- Istrouma Area Council
- Pine Burr Area Council
- Pushmataha Council
- Southeast Louisiana Council
- Yocona Area Council
Girl Scouting in Mississippi
There are four Girl Scout council offices in Mississippi.
- Girl Scouts of Gulf Pines Council, Inc., Hattiesburg, Mississippi
- Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi
- Girl Scouts of Northeast Mississippi, Inc., Tupelo, Mississippi
- Girl Scout Council of Northwest Mississippi, Inc., Greenwood, Mississippi
Scouting Activities
- See also Mississippi State Parks
Traditional Boy Scout Camps
Traditional summer camps feature a week long scouting adventure, educational, camping and merit badge program. They are usually available for youth group and family camping the rest of the year
- Camp Binachi (Choctaw Area Council) - a wonderful retreat out among the trees and nature in East Mississippi.
Recreational Camps
Youth Group Camps
High Adventure Bases
State Landmarks and Museums
Historic Adventure Trails
Scouting Activities by County
Forrest / Harrison / Hinds / Lee /