Scouting Reflections
Every Scouting Activity, Patrol Meeting, Den Meeting, Roundtable, Evening Campfire, Board of Review, Court of Honor, etc, etc, should include at least one brief moment called a Reflection where the leader (or assigned chaplains aide) teaches the group one or more of scouting's key principles. Go one step beyond just having everyone recite the Scout Oath and Law.
- Scouting Activity -
- Youth Spirity Moment -
- Family Home Evening Discussion -
- Dinner Table Discussion -
- Car Ride Youth Teaching Moment -
- Board of Review -
- Spiritual Devotional -
BSA Mission of Scouting: The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
BSA Vision of Scouting: The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law.
Chaplain's Aide
Conducting this Reflection is an important duty of the Chaplain's Aide. Every scout troop or venturing crew should have at least of these. It is one several positions to qualify for Eagle Rank Advancement.
At a the weekly patrol meeting you may do shorter reflection. During a car-ride, scoutmaster conference or the evening campfire you may do a more in-depth reflection.
Reflection Starter
A Reflection typically begins with a thinking question to ask your group. Allow a moment for several answers. Ask a followup question such as "Why do you think that is so?" "Why do you believe / feel that way?" "What is an example of that?"
Here are number of recommended reflection starter questions:
Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
- What does "A Scout is Trustworthy" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____?
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- Is it ever okay to tell a lie
- Is God the perfect example of Trustworthy? If so would he ever lie to you?
- What does "A Scout is Loyal" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Helpful" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Friendly" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Courteous" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Kind" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Obedient" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Thrifty" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Brave" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Clean" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What does "A Scout is Reverent" mean to you?
- Who is a example of someone who is ____
- What is one thing you can do each day to be this ____?
- What is your favorite principle of the Scout Law? Why?
- What principle of the Scout Law do you like the least? Why?
- What part of the Scout Law do you need to improve in?
- How is doing our family chores an example of living the Scout Law?
- What is an example of the Scout Law from your Bible (or Holy Scriptures)?