Recruitment Resources (Scouting America)

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Resources to Assist Volunteers of the Boy Scouts of America with their unit recruitment:

A steady flow of youth into a each scout unit is essential to maintaining unit health. New Scouts bring energy and enthusiasm to the program. To avoid the pitfall of shrinking membership, aim to add at least 10 new Scouts every year. Having a year-round growth plan in place will help attract new Scouts.

2020-21 New Recruitment Tips

2020 Recruitment.PNG

2020 is the year to turn life's lemons into lemonade! Here are some great BSA Video links to ask your parents to share on their social media:

  • BSA 2020 Virtual Rally Plan - Step-by-step plan to do recruiting this year.
  • 2020 Scout Talk Videos are Here! - See the BSA Brand Center for Recruitment videos to share at your upcoming Scout Virtual Recruitment Night.
  • Update your Unit Pin and win $500 - Just make sure your unit BeAScout pin is updated anytime between June 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2020, and your unit will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $500 Scout Shop Gift card, or one of five $100 Scout Shop Gift cards. See the full rules for the giveaway here.
  • - "What if real life was better than a video game? Scouts participate in a variety of activities that keep adventure in the everyday, from sports to personal development, STEM programming to arts and hobbies. Now you can be a part of it too!"
  • -This is Everyone’s Great OUTDOORS. Memories that last a lifetime begin today. But don’t forget to bring along safety and preparedness for the trip. Our free Safety & Preparedness Guide is packed with tips and essentials to get you there.
  • - More than 70% of adults who were Scouts as children say there have been real-life situations where having been a Scout helped them be better leaders, or contributed to their self-confidence in their work life. Sign up today and prepare your son or daughter to be a future of leader of tomorrow.
  • Current Marketing Webinars ( -
  • Unit Recruiting ( - Here you’ll find resources and tips for making recruiting a fun and enjoyable experience that keeps the bigger picture in focus: growing your unit to reach more kids, strengthen your packs and have more fun!

Prepare for Recruitment Success


The first step for any recruitment effort is to appoint a volunteer to serve as the unit membership chair. This person will develop and implement a year-round growth plan that incorporates all methods of recruitment, working closely with the community, the district membership committee, and the unit commissioner.


Don't be overwhelmed by your new scouting assignment. There are lots of BSA Training Resources available. These include the following that will help you "Be Prepared" for recruiting success:

  1. University of Scouting: Most BSA Council's hold an annual event on scouting best practices. Several of these courses focus on recruiting strategies unique for your community.
  2. District Membership Committee: get update info on recruitment events, ongoing training, opportunities and best practices in your area.
  3. District Roundtable - get update info on recruitment events and opportunities in your area. Several times a year they have recruitment refresher sessions and updated recruitment collateral.
  4. National Resources:
    1. Current Marketing Webinars ( Latest best practices on recruitment from highly experienced BSA Staff.
    2. Unit Recruiting ( - Here you’ll find resources and tips for making recruiting a fun and enjoyable experience that keeps the bigger picture in focus: growing your unit to reach more kids, strengthen your packs and have more fun!
    3. Scouts BSA Year Round Recruiting Guide -
    4. Recruiting New Members - Scouts BSA
    5. Venturing Crew Recruiting Guide -
    6. Family Scouting- ScoutMeIn Campaign Guide
    7. Pack and Den Recruiting: - ScoutingWire Special Training Feature
  5. Recruitment Stills
    1. How to Win Friends & Influence People - by Dale Carnegie.
    2. Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter - By Scott Adams. Excellent Persuasion skills is necessary quality for any master recruiter.

Annual Plan


Having a year-round growth plan in place will help attract new Scouts.

  • Where will you recruit new scouts from?
  • How will you find and contact young families in your community?
  • What information will you have ready to share with them?
  • What open public events take place in your community?
  • What successful recruiting traditions do you have in your unit?
  • Assistants for Each School Served: - If your scout unit pulls from multiple schools and they each have back to school night on the same night, you will need to delegate your workload. Also they will have access to school forums, events, PTA, etc.
  • Find Your Recruiting Partners: - Roundtable, District/Council Membership Committee, District Executive. Include them in your planning. See what new resources they have to share with you.
  • Create and Maintain a year round cyber presence.
  • Your existing scouts and parents could be your best recruiters. How will you motivate them to invite their friends and siblings?

Basic Supplies


Before launching your recruiting drive - stock up on these essential items.

  1. Prepare Unit One-Sheet: one-page flyer about the unit, important contacts, annual calendar of events and unit goals (Ie "have fun").
  2. Stack of Scout Interest Cards:
  3. New Scout Welcome Kits -
  4. Stack of Adult Applications:
  5. Stack of Youth Applications:
  6. Stack of Boys Life Samples:
  7. Unit Poster Exhibit:
  8. Council Resourse Room: Usually a giant library of lots of free promotional material shipped to each council from National.
  9. Prepare Recruitment Station - table, tablecloth, large posters, easles, handouts, etc. (My best posters were photos of the youth doing super fun outdoor activities. I also had old boys life magazines ready to handout too.)

Cyber-Presence Preparation

  1. BeAScout Pin: - During recruitment it will be easier to point new signups to the online registration link at Only a member of the Unit Key3 can edit this item, however, it should prominently display a email to your unit recruiter/new member coordinator. Also link it to a digital online recruitment flyer (using your website).
  2. Unit Hashtag - For use on all social media posts (Example: #Troop726SDIC)
  3. Build Unit Website - Many perspective families will do online research before contacting you again. Your website presense should have great pictures and family testimonials to help sell your unit. State your unit mission and purpose. Google the following scout units for some great examples:
  4. Welcome Page - If your unit already has a website - be sure it includes a "get to know us" page so that new families can learn about your unit. Goals, Activities, Awards, Accomplishments, etc.

General Recruiting Tips

Recruiter Award


The Recruiter Award is probably one of the most important patches in your scout unit. Scout to Scout "word of mouth" referrals is certainly the most effective way attract and retain new members. Encourage the youth to earn and display this patch. Look for opportunities at each awards ceremony to recognize this scout. It will motivate other scouts to do likewise. See this section for 20+ tips to have a great peer-to-peer referral program:

Additional Recruitment Awards Include:

  • Founders Bar
  • Council Recruiter Patches

School Open House

PeachJar Flyer

School Night for Scouting: From June to August, watch your District Roundtable for training cub scout recruiting, and organizing School Night for Scouting in your area. Typically the biggest recruiting event of the year for most scouting units.

Back to School Night (Fall Recruiting) - a one night event at the start of the school year, where we provide the opportunity to sign-up for Cub Scouts at every elementary school in the district. Most new scouting recruits come from this event. Ask your district executives which schools (public, private, charter, church-school, home-school, etc) are in your neighborhood and have not been assigned to a Cub Pack as of yet.

  • School Open House - 20 Big tips for boosting attendance for your Unit Joining Night. Reach local school children and their parents.
  • Back to School Night - Traditional event at the begging of the school year.
  • School Festivals - A great opportunity to engage parents and children
  • Spring Open House - Great to find scouts in time for summer camp and to lay a unit foundation before the next scout year starts.

Community Events


At any event, the more people that are there will naturally increase the fun, diversity and energy.

  1. Host a Family Friendly Event : WLACC Family Carnival -
  2. Local Attraction Discout Rates - Many families with tight budgets enjoy visiting local attractions and benefitting from the discount rates available to large groups such as scouts.
  3. Local Attraction VIP Tours - Many families enjoy that scout groups frequently enjoy VIP guided tours to local attractions.
  4. Community Event Display - try and have a recruiting booth at community events, like National Night Out, Christmas Parade, christmas caroling, etc.
  5. Pinewood Derby Display @ Community events—set up a booth with a pinewood derby track and some cars.
  6. YMCA Events - check a YMCA or JCC in the area they are always running community events. Setup a table at the YMCA heathy kids day, start of the fall basketball season, trunk or treat etc.
  7. Town Hall Flag Presentation - Many City Council meetings being with a flag pledge and really (!) enjoy having a scout unit there to lead the presentation of the colors.
  8. Community Flag Ceremonies - get short news clips in the school parent news letter and do flag ceremonies whenever we can.
  9. Interfaith Council Events - Contact interfaith councils / participate in interfaith events.
  10. Scout Day at the Ballpark - another opportunity to show the community our scouting spirit and have a fun time doing it. Petco Park - Campout on the BallField - popular scout event. Frequently done by out-of-council units staying the week at nearby Camp Fiesta Island Summer Camp. (Ex: Padres Scout Day, Red Sox Scout Sleepovers, )
  11. Harlem Globetrotters Scout Night - All Scout tickets include a commemorative Harlem Globetrotters patch.
  12. Zoo Roar and Snore Sleepover - sleepovers include camp activities, an after-hours look at the wild life of our animals, guided walks, a campfire program, dinner, an evening snack, and breakfast the following morning. (Ex: LA Zoo Sleepovers, )
  13. Ten Commandments Hike - Combination high-profile parade, wave the flag, Duty to God, etc. Visits several local churches, including many that don't sponsor a scout unit but are more than happy to host a scout visit. (Ex: New York Peace Hike, Nov-2018, )
  14. Farmers Market - Many communities host a weekly "Farmers Market".

Scout Show

The Scout Shows is an opportunity to invite friends and family to see your unit perform.

  1. Scout Show - games, scout skills, food trucks, and more. A lot of other units have been going back to school events, PTO events, and family nights at the schools.
  2. Recognition Dinner for Charter Org -
  3. Court of Honor Show - A lot of guests attend special advancement ceremonies such as the Court of Honor. You should have your best troop recruitment material and exhibits out on display.

Community Service


In the Law of the Pack, a cub scout gives good will and in the Boy Scout Promise, a boy scout promises to help other people at all times. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words.

Community Service is frequently a great example of the best of scouting. Local newspapers are always looking for good positive news stories:

  1. - Invite your community to your service projects.
    1. NextDoor Groups - Of particular interest is a new feature called "NextDoor Groups" - In my neighborhood there were quite a few groups for young families and the schools. A great place to promote your scout unit.
  2. #1 - Post your Projects - Post all unit serve projects on JustServe and invite the public to join you there. Invite Community to Service Projects.
  3. #2 - Help on other Community Projects - Look for service projects in your community that your scout unit can assist with.
  4. #3 - FHC Indexing - A common ongoing service project is the international family history indexing project at many Family History Center's of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This activity is open to youth as young as age 11 and involves simple reading and data entry skills for as little as one-hour.
  5. Historic Sites - Service project for local historic sites.
  6. Eagle Project List - Prepare a list of Eagle Projects ideas that provide maximum visibility in the community.
  7. Scouting for Food: A great annual event to engage your neighborhood. Contact all your neighbors. Include Scout Unit pass-a-long card.
    1. Scouting for Food -
    2. Scouting for Food -
    3. This is How to Promote Scouting for Food - Video Show from
    4. NewsCast - Scouting for Food
  8. Adopt a Charity: They may feature your unit in their press releases.

Public Library

This place is heavily trafficked by families with young children. Most libraries will as a community service support free flyer posting

  1. Free Flyer at the Library - Update regularly with your best flyer.
  2. Service Project at the Library - Even a bigger way to get recognition. Put up a special learning exhibit on behalf of your unit.
  3. Starbuck's Flyer- One Girls BSA Scout Troop had create success recruiting by posting flyers at all of the local "Starbucks".

Referral Advertising

The Single Most Effective Recruiter is when youth have a fun experience at every event and invite their friends and younger siblings to Join the Adventure! - Are youth having fun at your events???

  1. My biggest wake up call would come from my son at just two minutes before meeting start - "Dad, will tonight's meeting be fun?" - Bryce Hall (MainTour)
  2. Do what you do so well that they want to come back and bring their friends. (Walt Disney)

Neighorhood Banners


  1. Event Banner Ship 1212 paid $600.00 to have this banner made (above) and $100.00 ( paid for with grant money ) to have it hung across the main street in to Port Angeles WA. We are told the banner will last about 5 years with the weather. The good news because so many events are being cancelled due to the pandemic. The banners are only taken down when a new customer has one put up. So this will be up for about three to four weeks.]]
  2. 3x5 Banner - Simple and Easy - but a well place sign/banner is proven to be effective:
    1. Banner at major community youth sports field
    2. Banner across the street from your local school
    3. Banner at a major intersection or highway.

Community Events

  1. Trick-or-Treat Pass-Along Cards - every year millions of little kids go trick-or-treat on Halloween in search of free candy. Include a BeAScout (or pack or troop) Pass-a-long card with every candy handout. Maybe handout extra copies of the "Mini Boys Life" to each family.
  2. 10 Ways to Support Scouting - (From Pikes Peak Council BSA)
    1. Enroll your children in Scouting. They will love it and thank you for it! Read more about joining >>
    2. Become a BSA volunteer. With the enormous time pressures in their lives, America's youth need time well spent. Whether you volunteer as a den leader, Scoutmaster, or merit badge counselor, Scouting will be worth your time and effort because of the benefits it provides to youth.
    3. Tell your neighbors and friends about Scouting. Youth love Scouting and its activities, but they love it even more when their friends are involved.
    4. Get your place of worship involved in Scouting. Churches, synagogues, and mosques are great places for Scouting activities. The Boy Scouts of America supports the strong ideals and values that families are looking for today.
    5. Write a letter to your local newspaper. The Boy Scouts is a great organization that builds character and values. Tell other people about it!
    6. Write a letter to your United Way. The Boys Scouts of America is one of the founding organizations of the United Way. The Boy Scouts of America and United Way have a long relationship. Many of the more than 1,400 local United Way chapters support the BSA. Let them know what a great job Scouting is doing in your community.
    7. Write your local school board president and principal. Thank them for the opportunity to use their facilities for Scouting activities, for the use of their bulletin boards to get information to youth, and for the access their school provides to help get information to parents of Scouting-age youth.
    8. Call your local Boy Scout council. Tell them how much you appreciate what the organization is doing in your community to build tomorrow's leaders. Contact the Council Service Center.
    9. Organize a Scout color guard for local athletic events or city council meetings. It is important for people to see Scouting as a meaningful and vital part of the community.
    10. Financially support a youth in need. Everyone who shares BSA's strong values should be able to participate in Scouting. Contribute to Scouting and you will change a life. Read about financial support >>

Social Media Recruitment

Update your Facebook Profile

In Social Media Recruitment it is important to get your message out across multiple communication channels. Social Media is one of the hot channels now, especially amongst the younger generation. But There are a few important rules to understand about the algorithms of each different platform (most particularly Facebook) in order to get the best success from online recruitment activities:

A few tips from this section

  • Many units are running paid ads on Facebook using their "geo-fencing" feature to target their local neighborhood.
  1. Update your Facebook Profile - Then just say hello to your local school and community groups/ pages in Facebook.
  2. Scouting in the City: BSA Video Series - Have all unit members post this clip on their social media account!
  3. Business Message Boards -
  4. Church Message Boards -
  5. - "The Private Social Network for Your Neighborhood." Post all invites to local scouting open house events here!
  6. Facebook Advertising -
  7. #Beascout Hashtag on Twitter -
  8. Share a daily/weekly scout message
  9. Encourage Scouter Blogging - Many scouters have different journal methods and reach different audiences.
  10. Facebook Comments - post scout positive comments in Facebook.
  11. Include US Flag Image - scientifically proven to have a positive persuasive effect for scouting recognition.


  1. Try acouting / outdoors background for your next Zoom meeting.

Neighborhood Recruiting

  1. Doorhangers : Create custom door hangers to drop in your neighborhood.

Year-Round Recruitment Calendar



  • Back to School Night (See above)


Many families take a few weeks to figure out their balance between sports, church, scouts, activities, etc, for the new year and will be late joiners. Be ready with a second softer join night for late arrivals. Here are several ways to find these.

  1. Follow Up Call - Contact those who expressed interest earlier but missed the first Join Night Event.
  2. Start Peer-to-Peer Referrals - Each year train your new scouting families how to "Invite A Friend" to scouting activities.
  3. Popcorn Sales Referrals" - include a referral card inside every popcorn sale bag (or other fundraiser). Popcorn / fundraisers involve lots of interaction with the public.
  4. Popcorn Sales Flyer - handout awesome color graphic recruitment flyers to families you see at the Popcorn booth.


See Also October Scouting Recruitment

  1. Halloween - Pass Along Card for Cubs or Scouts: Every year many scouters see hundred plus little kids knocking on their door yelling trick or treat. This year give out two treats - including a small card featuring your unit, district, favorite camp, BSAParents or BeAScout. Our neighborhood gets a lot of spanish speaking visitors - so a dual language card is our pick. The BSA Resource center has an easy to fill template to use to print your own neat cards. Create several dozen to hand out at Halloween. Some scouting households successfully hand out 200+ cards each year.
  2. Halloween - Haunted House: Have a troop gathering at a scout's home that gets a lot of visitors. Include both themed and scouting exhibits. Show the scouts know how to have fun and do really cool things. Little kids will be really impressed to see the older kids having a serious party.
  3. Halloween - City Festival - Many communities organize their own Halloween festival with lots of kid friendly booths. Bring along a giant supply of candy, old BoysLife/ScoutsLife magazine and interest cards.


  1. Prep for Year End Events.
  2. Follow up with New Member Families.


  1. Holiday Parades:


  1. Webeloes Bridging & Join Night - Troops should Follow up new Webeloes and sign up for summer camp, outdoor activities - Having fun events in the first 90 days is very critical for scout retention.


  1. School Open House Night -
    1. Recruiting for the new year allows you to get volunteers, membership and schedules lined up before annual planning and creates a more robust scout unit.
    2. New recruits can participate in many basic summer camp activities (ie trail to first class, cub day camp, etc) - creating many outdoor fun memories at the start of their scouting journey.

Summer Camp

  1. Summer Day Camp Membership Exhibit Booth -
    1. Work with families to begin peer-to-peer referrals for back-to-school
    2. Troops - Great visibility to all Cub Families
  2. Prepare Annual Recruitment Plan
  3. Crews, Ships & O/A to Work Summer Camps
    1. One night each week hold special skit / exhibit night at your local scout camp(s).

More Unit Specific Tips

More Cub Scout Recruiting

Having trouble getting noticed at your school? Try some magnetic car decals for other parents to stare at while waiting in the school pickup line. Our Cubmaster made custom pins that the Scouts put on their school backpacks. Plus really cool pack t-shirts.
  1. School Access Challenges - More Tips for Building relationships with your local schools.
  2. Pack T-Shirt Day - Pack t-shirt day at school to spread the word for an after school meet and greet?
  3. Uniform Recycle Church Flyer - Churches usually smile and this donation request.
  4. School Community Newspapers - they are always looking for appropriate news stories. Share with them about scouts, activities, accomplishments, etc.
  5. School Message Boards -
  6. PTA Meetings - link School Night for Scouting with parent orientation, a PTA meeting, or some other event that is more heavily promoted. Some packs often provides crafts and games for the children while parents are meeting teachers.
  7. - What's After Class? Elevating student outcomes by connecting K-12 families with life-changing school and community resources. - Many schools now contract with PeachJar to deliver timely online notices about approved after-school programs like sports and scouting. (Normally $25 per listing per school, but ask around about "Free" listings.)
    1. Post Notices Two Weeks Prior to School Start - For maximum exposure - post your notice on PeachJar at least two weeks before school start. This is probably the one time of the year when All parents are checking the school website for info about when their children's classes will start and where.
      This is one of our favorites to reach church congregations. A clever way to start buzz in the younger families
    2. Council PeachJar Discount - be sure to ask if your council has a discount rate inplace. Also make sure to pick the best hosting rate.
    3. Peach Jar even works with Middle Schools and High Schools for promoting Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts.
  8. New Family Orientation Night - Schedule a scout night roughly 1-2 weeks after the School Night Recruiting to welcome them to your pack, collect signup forms and initial membership
  9. District / Pack / Troop - Websites Flyers - Post your Pack flyer (free) on the Facebook page for your partner organizations - linked scout troop, scout district, charter organization, meeting space providor, etc. Encourage all pack members to post the flyer on their personal social media accounts. It's best of this happens before school starts.
  10. Flyers for Car Drivers - What to do if the school wont let you onto campus? How about walking the parking lot handing out flyers to every car driver waiting to pick up kids.
  11. Ready to Grow 2019 - Pack 90's New Recruiting Methods'. Mixing the best of Online and Real World recruiting methods in Centralia MO (ScoutingMagazine.Org Aug 2019 issue).
  12. Pack 24 Recruitment Secrets - Pack 24 Scouting Volunteer Membership Recruiting Success Stories - (Fall 2010) - 4 Minute YouTube - Great for District Roundtable presentation
  13. Pack 37 Recruitment Video - The membership team for this pack created a cool video to send to all interested families. Look for it on YouTube at "Join 37".
  14. Inexpensive Day Camp - Did you know that BSA Cub Day Camp is usually the most inexpensive week long summer program offered to the community?
  15. Send Flyer to Local BSA Troops - All Troops count on a strong Pack program. They should help distribute your recruitment flyer to their network of families, friends, charter org partners, etc, etc. Ask your District NMC for assistance.

Scouts BSA Troop Recruitment

"Den Chief" by Norman Rockwell

Where can Scouts BSA Troops easily recruit from?
A: Webeloes Youth bridging from a Cub Pack
B: Inviting Friends to Activities
C: Recruitment at Charter Schools and Homeschool Clubs

Webelos Visitor Night: -The single biggest fail that many scout troops are guilty of is whenever they have cub scout visitors, nobody greets them. This could really discourage them from joining your troop. Your Recruitment officer and New Member Coordinator should be always on the watch for Cub Scout visitors. Have activities, recognition, and youth/adult applications ready for them!

Note #A: Scouts BSA should actively assist local Packs in their recruitment efforts. Scouts in attendance has a positive impact for cub packs. A large feeder pack will give abundant recruitment opportunities for the Troops a few short years later.

  1. Feeder Packs - Cub Scout Blue&Gold / ArrowOfLight Recognition / Recruitment Night assistance.
  2. Webelos Woods - Very popular event sponsored by District or Council is very effective at matching Cub Scouts to their Future BSA Troop. Many troops bring large exhibits that showcases their adventures.
    1. Webelos Woods - PiedmontCouncil
    2. Phoenix District Webelos Woods -
  3. Den Chiefs - It is amazing how much cub scouts admire and respect the older boy scouts. Have him share a moment at pack meeting about their hi-adventure trips and other activities.
    1. How to Use a Den Chief - YouTube: Scouting In The Park 056 - What does a Den Chief Actually Do.
    2. Den Chief Service Award -
    3. Den Chief Training -
  4. Invite Webeloes Den to Your Troop/Patrol Meeting - It is one of the Arrow of Light Requirements for a Cub Scout to attend a BSA troop meeting. Court of honor, patrol activity, etc.
  5. Middle School Troop Night - Similar concept to Cub Night School Night. Booth exhibit featues cool activities the troop has planned for the coming year.
  6. This Troop Doubled in Size Last Year - See Bryan On Scouting Blog - BSA Troop Recruitment Secrets
  7. Unit Commissioner - The troop should have an adult volunteer serve as "Unit Commissioner" for their linked Cub Pack(s). They can help both units work together on any scouting, leadership, recruitment challenges, etc.
  8. Host Virtual Seminar - Promote event on EventBrite - Topics include family camping, service, outdoors and scouting in the local area.

Venturing Crew Recruitment

Scouts that register in Venturing stay an average of 16.5 months longer with scouting.

Every group needs a "shiny object" that grabs the interest of the young crowd, today's youth have so many competing interests!

"Over the last 9 years, I've heard leaders discourage their Scouts, BSA troop members about joining a Venturing Crew, because the leader is worried that the teen will leave the troop in the lurch. So incorrect. Venturing Crews build leadership into everything we do. Troop needs a mentor for the SPL? Ask a Crew. Several of the older teens have been SPLs AND had to take a mandatory class on HOW TO BE A MENTOR! ;) Listen to the podcast, and if you have any questions, ask me, or any of your Green shirted friends. We'll explain how Venturing can help your troop thrive. We are Crew 223, Wichita KS, chartered by Range 54 "

  1. How Venturing Can Help Your Troop - See the SCouting Podcast =
  2. We are Venturers - BSA YouTube Recruitment Video (2013)
  3. Venturing Revolution - BSA YouTube Recruitment Video (2013)
  4. Venturing Recruitment - BSA YouTube Recruitment Video (2016)
  5. Camporee Exhibits - Lots of the best candidates for older scout units are those scouts that are actively participating at District Camporees and council summer camp
  6. Host Merit Badge Clinic - Many crews have special talents and could host some phenomenal merit badge classes.
  7. District Webelos Woods - While there are usually many strong scout units present trying to recruit the webelos, this would be a great opportunity for the Crews to strut their stuff.
  8. Invite a Friend Night - The friends get a special gift .
  9. Special Event Day/Night - Shooting sports and arcade game day. For STEM enthusiasts, launching rockets, indoor rock climbing wall, RC vehicles, and drones are all popular.
    1. Troop Court of Honor Displays -
    2. School’s Eagle Scout Display inspires Others : Bryan on Scouting - See what they do at Ridge High School in Basking Ridge NJ. (11-Dec-2018)
  10. Combined Crew Activity - Very popular recruitment event (especially if you are a small crew) is to joint activities with other crews and troops in your area. Many potential crew members are looking for more social activities and to try different things. Always - Invite your Friends!
  11. Crews, Ships & O/A to Work Summer Camps
    1. One night each week hold special skit / exhibit night at your local scout camp(s).

Sea Scouts Recruitment

  1. This Is Sea Scouts! - BSA Recruitment Video (2019)
  2. Sea Scouts 3-Week Alaska Cruise - (2016) Youtube Tour.
  3. Camporee Exhibits - Lots of the best candidates for older scout units are those scouts that are actively participating at District Camporees.
  4. Host Troop Sail Adventures - Have a promotional display at District Roundtables.
  5. Scout Summer Camp Exhibits -
  6. Plan a Sea Scout Me in Day activity, which can be day of sailing, kayaking, cruising, or other event where prospective Sea Scouts get on the water. Draft press release that includes date, time, location, description of event, and contact information.
  7. Check with School District website on procedures for submitting flyers for inclusion in August school newsletters. Complete all forms as required by school district.
  8. Sea Scout Me In Day (Aug/Sep): This is a day to plan a back to school open house, host a Nautical Merit Badge Midway, or help a new Sea Scout Ship to recruit their first Sea Scouts.
  9. Share announcement for Sea Scout Me in Day with the District Executive, District Commissioner, and District Membership Chair, for inclusion at monthly District Meeting. Send request to council marketing professional for inclusion in Council newsletter.
  10. Media: Submit press releases to community publications, such as local newspapers and online community groups. Check with local publications for any deadlines for inclusions.
  11. Social Media and Online Communities: Post announcement to Nextdoor, Patch, or similar applications.
  12. Instagram: Create Instagram account for your Sea Scout Ship. Under Settings, select “Switch to Business Profile.” After business account is created, begin posting weekly images promoting Sea Scout Me in Day messages. Boost posts targeted for youth interested in boating, sailing, SCUBA, and other on the water activities in your service area.
  13. Facebook Fan Pages: Create a Fan Page for your Sea Scout Ship. Create an “Event” for your Sea Scout Me in Day activity. Boost the event targeted to parents of high school students. Include as “Interests” for the campaign to include Scouting, Sailing, Boating, Stand Up Paddleboard, Kayaking, and other boating activities. Test the effectiveness of your boost, adjusting your campaign each week.
    1. California Scouts - Sample Scout Fan Facebook Page.
  14. Parents: Ask parents of Sea Scouts to share the Facebook Event on their personal pages on in any parental groups they are members of on Facebook.
  15. Community Boards: Print flyers for posting at Starbucks, teen centers of libraries, and similar locations.
  16. Crews, Ships & O/A to Work Summer Camps
    1. One night each week hold special skit / exhibit night at your local scout camp(s).

OA Recruitment

  1. Camporee Exhibits - Lots of the best candidates for older scout units are those scouts that are actively participating at District Camporees.
  2. Indian Lore Merit Badge - OA units have the best material to present this
  3. Scout Summer Camp Exhibits -
  4. District Webelos Woods - While there are usually many strong scout units present trying to recruit the webelos, this would be a great opportunity for the Crews to strut their stuff.
  5. December Roundtable - Inform all Scoutmasters about the importance of January OA Elections. Include big display (pictures / video / etc) to help scouts understand what is OA.
  6. OA Retention - Experience has shown that the vast majority of youth of the next generation prefer their communication via text messaging instead of email! (Make it happen.)
  7. Crews, Ships & O/A to Work Summer Camps
    1. One night each week hold special skit / exhibit night at your local scout camp(s).

District Membership Committee

You can further support recruitment efforts for unit by participating in your local District Membership Committee.

Recruitment Resources

Project Brownsea

  1. Support Project Brownsea - Alumni of BSA understand the lifelong benefits of Scouting better than most people. They also understand the impact of limited, and in some cases nonexistent, recruitment options at this extraordinary moment in time. Your financial donation to Brownsea will help finance an independent scouting recruitment platform. Scouting is more than just one organization, it is a Movement.

That’s why we’re tapping into the skills first championed by Robert Baden-Powell at the first Scout camp on Brownsea Island in 1907 — skills like resourcefulness, leadership and teamwork — to promote recruiting and ensure the future of Scouting in this country.

BSA Resources

  1. BSA National Recruitment Page - This page links to a great wealth of additional marketing resources, social media planning tools and recruitment webinars with guidance from experience scouters.
  2. Boy Scouts of America - Official YouTube Channel
  3. 2020 Scout Talk Videos are Here! - See the BSA Brand Center for Recruitment videos to share at your upcoming Scout Virtual Recruitment Night.
    1. - "What if real life was better than a video game? Scouts participate in a variety of activities that keep adventure in the everyday, from sports to personal development, STEM programming to arts and hobbies. Now you can be a part of it too!"
    2. -This is Everyone’s Great OUTDOORS. Memories that last a lifetime begin today. But don’t forget to bring along safety and preparedness for the trip. Our free Safety & Preparedness Guide is packed with tips and essentials to get you there.
    3. - More than 70% of adults who were Scouts as children say there have been real-life situations where having been a Scout helped them be better leaders, or contributed to their self-confidence in their work life. Sign up today and prepare your son or daughter to be a future of leader of tomorrow.
  4. Current Marketing Webinars ( -
  5. Unit Recruiting ( - Here you’ll find resources and tips for making recruiting a fun and enjoyable experience that keeps the bigger picture in focus: growing your unit to reach more kids, strengthen your packs and have more fun!

Other Resources

Scout Units Share Ideas

These scout units had great recruiting success and share their secrets here:

  1. Year Round Guide to Scouting Recruitment: -
  2. Spring School Open House: Public School Event. Excellent time to recruit for summer camp and secure enrollments before the new program year starts.
  3. Back to School Nite: Public School Event. Contact many new families
  4. Spring Unit Open House: Showcase great outdoor adventures planned for spring and summer.
  5. Frequently attend unit events: Look for new faces of youth, adults, and siblings that are participating or could be potential participants. Greet all Visitors
  6. Report to Unit Committee: share goals, accomplishments, plans and advise your unit on how they can assist the recruitment effort.
  7. Youth Recruiting Event: Youth-to-youth referrals are highly effective.
  8. New Member Coordinator - Sustaining strong membership in a unit depends partly on reaching new audiences to invite them to join the unit and partly on engaging new members and their families so that they feel welcomed and want to stay. The role of the New Member Coordinator is to ensure that both keys to success take place. (ScoutingWire)
  9. Visitor Attendance Log: Each unit should keep a visitor attendance log.

