Practice with Purpose

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Practice with Purpose is a legacy badge for Junior Girl Scouts. Other Girl Scout badges in the athlete category include: Fair Play for Brownie Girl Scouts, Good Sportsmanship for Cadette Girl Scouts, Cross-Training for Senior Girl Scouts and Coaching for Ambassador Girl Scouts. The purpose of the is badge is to set a sports goal and practice to achieve it.


  1. Decide on your goal
    • Ask a coach for advice OR
    • Speak to a trainer at a gym or community center OR
    • Talk with a physical education or gym teacher at your school
  2. Increase your endurance
    • Run OR
    • Dance OR
    • Work out routine
  3. Build up your strength
    • Work with an older athlete in your sport OR
    • Work with an expert, coach, or community center trainer OR
    • Find a video with strength exercises
  4. Drill for skill
    • Talk to a coach or gym teacher OR
    • Work with a friend who likes the same sport OR
    • Find a drill in a book or online
  5. Practice, practice, practice
    • Discuss the process wit a coach, friends or family OR
    • Write a list of top 10 tips for practicing OR
    • Make a short video or photo slideshow about your practice