Merit badge (Scouting America)

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For history regarding merit badge types, see History of merit badges (Scouting America).

Merit badges are awards earned by youth members of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), a U.S.-based organization, based on activities within an area of study by completing a list of periodically updated requirements. The purpose of the merit badge program is to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or avocation. Originally, the program also introduced Scouts to the life skills of contacting an adult they hadn't met before, arranging a meeting and then demonstating their skills, similar to a job or college interview. Increasingly, though, merit badges are earned in a class setting at troop meetings and summer camps.

Each merit badge has a pamphlet published by the Boy Scouts of America associated with it; the pamphlet contains information on completing the requirements for the badge. There are designated merit badge counselors for each badge, and a Scout would meet with a counselor to demonstrate that he's completed the requirements. The counselor would then 'sign off' on each one.

Certain merit badges are required in order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. There are 10 of these, and two sets of either-or choices. (Cycling, Hiking, OR Swimming and Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving). In addition, to fulfill the Eagle Scout merit badge requirement, the Scout must also earn nine or more merit badges from the list of badges that are not specifically required for Eagle.

The award of a merit badge is represented by circular patch with an image representing the badge's topic. The patches for the Eagle-required merit badges are distinguishable by the silver ring on the outside edge. Merit badges are displayed on a sash which can be worn with the Boy Scout uniform on formal occasions.

The current merit badge system began in 1979; three merit badges have not been updated since that time – Athletics, Mammal Study and Pulp and Paper. The most recent new merit badges are Nuclear Science, created in 2005 as a redesigned Atomic Energy badge; Snow Sports, created in 1999 as a redesigned Skiing merit badge; and Fly Fishing, split off from the Fishing merit badge in 2002. The most recent completely new merit badges are Composite Materials, created in 2006;

Sources and references

Sources and references:


Archaeology and Climbing, both created in 1997; and Entrepreneurship, created in 1998. The Boy Scouts of America are, as of 2005, field-testing a Hunting merit badge.

Sources and references

Sources and references:


Besides the BSA, these Scouting organizations are known to issue or have issued merit badges: Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. Austria has a program similar to merit badges for certain age groups.

A sample merit badge sash: From left to right, starting at top; 1 Swimming, Mammal Study, Environmental Science; 2 Basketry, Wood Carving, Dog Care; 3 Wilderness Survival, Emergency Preparedness, Bird Study; 4 Public Speaking, Scholarship, Law; 5 Rifle Shooting, Archery, Metalwork; 6 Fish and Wildlife Management, Citizenship in the Nation, Orienteering; 7 Citizenship in the Community, Communications, Personal Management; 8 Soil and Water Conservation, Reptile Study, Lifesaving; 9 Forestry, Citizenship in the World, Safety

List of current merit badges

Sources and references

Sources and references:


Name Created Last updated Notes Further reading
File:Mb015c.gifAmerican Business 1967c 2003 Business, economy of the United States
File:Mb017c.gifAmerican Cultures 1979 2005 Culture of the United States
File:Mb016c.gifAmerican Heritage 1975 2005 History of the United States
File:Mb121c.gifAmerican Labor 1987 2006 Trade union
File:Mb018c.gifAnimal Science 1975 2007 Animal Science
File:Mb132c.gifArchaeology 1997 2006 Archaeology
File:Mb019c.gifArchery 1911 2005 Archery
File:Mb020c.gifArchitecture 1911 1995 Architecture
File:Mb021c.gifArt 1911 2002 Art
File:Mb022c.gifAstronomy 1911 2005 Astronomy
File:Mb023c.gifAthletics 1911 2007 Athletics
File:Mb127c.gifAuto Mechanics 1992 2001 Auto mechanic
File:Mb025ac.gifFile:Mb025c.gifAviation 1911 2001 Aviation
File:Mb026c.gifBackpacking 1982 2003 Backpacking
File:Mb027c.gifBasketry 1927 2004 Basket weaving
File:Mb029c.gifBird Study 1914 2005 Ornithology
File:Mb032c.gifBugling 1911 2004 Shares a pamphlet with Music Bugle (instrument)
File:Mb001c.gifCamping 1911 2007 Eagle-required Camping
File:Mb033c.gifCanoeing 1927 2005 Canoeing
File:Mb034c.gifChemistry 1911 2005 Chemistry
File:Mb126c.gifCinematography 1990 2002 Cinematography
File:Mb002c.gifCitizenship in the Community 1952 2005 Eagle-required Citizenship
File:Mb003c.gifCitizenship in the Nation 1951 2005 Eagle-required Citizenship
File:Mb004c.gifCitizenship in the World 1972 2006 Eagle-required Global citizenship
File:Mb133c.gifClimbing 1997 2007 Climbing
File:Mb035c.gifCoin Collecting 1938 2003 Coin collecting
File:Mb128c.gifCollections 1991 2004 Collecting
File:Mb005c.gifCommunications 1965 2004 Eagle-required Communication
File:Mb137c.jpgComposite Materials 2006 2006 Composite material
File:Mb036c.gifComputers 1967 2005 Computers
File:Mb038c.gifCooking 1911 2005 Cooking
File:Mb131c.gifCrime Prevention 1996 2006 Crime prevention
File:Mb039rc.gifFile:Mb039c.gifCycling 1911 2005 Eagle-required (this or Hiking or Swimming) Cycling
File:Mb040c.gifDentistry 1975 2003 Dentistry
File:Mb060c.gifDisabilities Awareness 1993 2005 Disability
File:Mb041c.gifDog Care 1938 2004 Dog
File:Mb042c.gifDrafting 1965 1993 Technical drawing
File:Mb043c.gifElectricity 1911 2005 Electricity
File:Mb044c.gifElectronics 1963 2005 Electronics
File:Mb006c.gifEmergency Preparedness 1972 2005 Eagle-required (this or Lifesaving) Emergency management
File:Mb045c.gifEnergy 1976 2005 Energy
File:Mb046c.gifEngineering 1967 2001 Engineering
File:Mb134c.gifEntrepreneurship 1997 1998 Entrepreneurship
File:Mb007c.gifEnvironmental Science 1972 2006 Eagle-required Environmental science
File:Mb129c.gifFile:Mb129oc.gifFamily Life 1991 2005 Eagle-required, takes at least 90 days Family values
File:Mb048c.gifFarm Mechanics 1928 1998 Agricultural machinery
File:Mb049c.gifFingerprinting 1938 2004 Fingerprint
File:Mb050c.gifFire Safety 1995 2005 Fire safety
File:Mb008c.gifFirst Aid 1911 2005 Eagle-required First aid
File:Mb051c.gifFish and Wildlife Management 1972 2005 Wildlife management
File:Mb052c.gifFishing 1952 2003 Fishing
File:Mb136c.gifFly Fishing 2002 2003 Fly Fishing
File:Mb054c.gifForestry 1911 2006 Forestry
File:Mb055c.gifGardening 1911 2003 Gardening
File:Mb056c.gifGenealogy 1972 2006 Family history
File:Mb058c.gifGeology 1953 2005 Geology
File:Mb059c.gifGolf 1976 2003 Golf
File:Mb122c.gifGraphic Arts 1987 2006 Graphic Arts
File:Mb061rc.gifFile:Mb061c.gifHiking 1921 2000 Eagle-required (this or Cycling or Swimming) Hiking
File:Mb062c.gifHome Repairs 1943 2003 Home repair
File:Mb063c.gifHorsemanship 1911 2004 Equestrianism
File:Mb064c.gifIndian Lore 1931 1995 Native American mythology
File:Mb065c.gifInsect Study 1985 2003 Entomology
File:Mb066ac.gifFile:Mb066c.gifJournalism 1927 2006 Journalism
File:Mb067c.gifLandscape Architecture 1967 2003 Landscape Architecture
File:Mb068c.gifLaw 1974 2003 Law
File:Mb069c.gifLeatherwork 1951 2003 Leather
File:Mb009c.gifLifesaving 1911 2001 Eagle-required (this or Emergency Preparedness) Lifesaving
File:Mb071c.gifMammal Study 1985 prior to 1979 Mammal
File:Mb130c.gifMedicine 1991 2005 Medicine
File:Mb074c.gifMetalwork 1927 2005 Metalworking
File:Mb075c.gifModel Design and Building 1963 2004 Scale model
File:Mb076c.gifMotorboating 1961 1998 Motorboat
File:Mb077c.gifMusic 1911 2004 Shares a pamphlet with Bugling Music
File:Mb078c.gifNature 1952 2004 Nature
File:Mb024ac.jpgFile:Mb024c.gifNuclear Science 2005 2005 Atomic nucleus
File:Mb079c.gifOceanography 1964 2004 Oceanography
File:Mb080c.gifOrienteering 1973 2004 Orienteering
File:Mb081c.gifPainting 1911 2003 Painting
File:Mb010c.gifPersonal Fitness 1952 2006 Eagle-required, takes at least 90 days Physical fitness
File:Mb011c.gifPersonal Management 1972 2004 Eagle-required, takes at least 90 days Personal finance, time management
File:Mb082c.gifPets 1958 2005 Takes at least 4 months Pet
File:Mb083c.gifPhotography 1911 2005 Photography
File:Mb084c.gifPioneering 1911 2006 Knot, trestle
File:Mb085c.gifPlant Science 1974 2005 Botany
File:Mb086c.gifPlumbing 1911 2005 Plumbing
File:Mb087c.gifPottery 1927 2003 Pottery
File:Mb089c.gifPublic Health 1911 2005 Public health
File:Mb090c.gifPublic Speaking 1932 2003 Public speaking
File:Mb091c.gifPulp and Paper 1972 2006 Pulp and Paper Merit Badge
File:Mb093c.gifRadio 1923 2002 Radio
File:Mb094c.gifFile:Mb094c.jpgRailroading 1952 2005 Railroad
File:Mb095c.gifReading 1929 2004 Reading
File:Mb096c.gifReptile and Amphibian Study 1993 2005 Reptile, amphibian
File:Mb123c.gifRifle Shooting 1988 2002 Was originally part of the combined Rifle and Shotgun Shooting merit badge. Rifle, shooting
File:Mb098c.gifRowing 1933 2006 Sport rowing
File:Mb012oc.gifFile:Mb012c.gifSafety 1927 2006 Safety
File:Mb099c.gifSalesmanship 1927 2004 Sales
File:Mb100c.gifScholarship 1911 2005 Scholarship
File:Mb101c.gifSculpture 1911 2003 Sculpture
File:Mb124c.gifShotgun Shooting 1988 2006 Requirements predate merit badge because it was formerly part of Rifle and Shotgun Shooting Shotgun, shooting
File:Mb103c.gifSkating 1973 2006 Ice skating, roller skating
File:Mb105c.gifSmall-Boat Sailing 1964 2005 Sailing
File:Mb135c.gifSnow Sports 1999 1999 Winter sport
File:Mb106c.gifSoil and Water Conservation 1952 2005 Soil conservation, water conservation
File:Mb107c.gifSpace Exploration 1965 2005 Space Exploration
File:Mb013oc.gifFile:Mb013c.gifSports 1972 1996 Sport
File:Mb108c.gifStamp Collecting 1932 2001 Stamp collecting
File:Mb109c.gifSurveying 1911 2005 Surveying
File:Mb014c.gifSwimming 1911 2002 Eagle-required (this or Cycling or Hiking) Swimming
File:Mb110c.gifTextile 1973 2004 Textile
File:Mb111c.gifTheater 1967 2005 Theater
File:Mb112c.gifTraffic Safety 1975 2002 Road-traffic safety
File:Mb113c.gifTruck Transportation 1973 2005 Truck
File:Mb114c.gifVeterinary Medicine 1995 2005 Veterinary medicine
File:Mb115c.gifWater Skiing 1969 1999 Water skiing
File:Mb116c.gifWeather 1927 2007 Weather
File:Mb125c.gifWhitewater 1987 2005 Whitewater
File:Mb117c.gifWilderness Survival 1974 2002 Wilderness, survival skills
File:Mb118c.gifWood Carving 1923 2002 Wood carving
File:Mb119c.gifWoodwork 1923 2004 Woodworking

Merit Badge Colleges

Merit Badge Colleges (or Merit Badge Universities), which are also called Merit badge weekends or Merit badge midways when held at a camporee or jamboree, are events held where several troops or merit badge counselors come together and focus on teaching merit badges. There is some controversy whether Eagle-required merit badges should be available. Some believe that Scouts wishing to earn the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout should be able to seek out counselors for those badges themselves and do the requirements solo. Others believe all merit badges should be available to all Scouts.

See also


  1. "Requirements for new Composite Materials merit badge". US Retrieved January 18. 
  2. "Helping Scouts Advance". Merit Badge Research Center. Retrieved September 26. 
  3. "Merit Badge Requirements". US Advancement section. Retrieved February 09. 


External links