Camp Napowan
Camp Napowan is a camp in the pine forests of Wild Rose, Wisconsin. It sits on land that was once farmed and has many European plants brought to the United States hundreds of years ago but lacks more recent invasive plants. The camp owns lake front property on both Hills Lake and Lake Napowan. It is owned and operated by the Northwest Suburban Council of the Boy Scouts of America . The Camp was founded in 1946, its legend of founding is the story of Boot Hill, which involves a fight between the owner and Gypsies. There are a few different areas that make up Napowan. The Waterfront (swimming and boating), Nature, Shooting Sports, Sherwood (scoutcraft), Verona (fine arts), and Flintlock , a mock 1870's frontier village. The camp is staffed by Venturers(Crew 0477) who live on the camp grounds. The Camp runs for eight weeks during the summer, including one week of preparation. During that time, there are three weekends when Webelos may visit the camp and one Venturing weekend.
Counselors at Napowan teach Boy Scout Merit Badges. Over the course of the week, scouts can have an opportunity to take as many badges as they would like. Staff also arrange "Special Program" which is an opportunity for the scouts to bond with the staff and engage in activites outside of the merit badge program. Scouts usually arrive Sunday afternoon, and depart Saturday morning. Some troops stay for two weeks, but the majority stay only for one. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints troops arrive on Saturday and leave one week later.
The Sunday campers arrive, the staff treats the scouts to a campfire, on Friday, the staff treats them to a closing campfire.
Within the past fifteen years, after the initial eight weeks of scouts has ended, the camp is typically rented for one week. Camp Gan Israel is not scout related and caters to the those of Jewish faith in northern Chicago. Typically fifty to sixty kids, ages ranging from eight to fourteen, come up for a week. Their activities include swimming, canoing, field sports. The boys are organized into 'bunks.' Throughout the week, the bunks compete for points.