Scouting and Guiding in Connecticut

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Scouting in Connecticut has gone through many organizational changes in its history. While having only eight counties, Connecticut has had 40 Boy Scout Councils since the Scouting movement began in 1910. In 1922, there were 17 separate Boy Scout Councils operating in Connecticut; today there are only four. The Girl Scouts of the USA has had at least 53 Girl Scout Councils in Connecticut since their program begin in 1912; today there are five. Plans are in process to merge the current five Girl Scout Councils into one new council, to be called the Girl Scout Council of Connecticut and assume operation on October 1, 2007.

Current Boy Scout Councils of Connecticut

The small state of Connecticut has had its fair share of Boy Scouts of America councils since 1910 with a total of forty. Currently, the number of councils has been reduced to four. These councils serve more than 61,700 boys, young men and young women in all facets of the scouting program. They are led by a volunteer group numbering well over 15,000 men and women. 627 young men were awarded their Eagle Badge in 2005.

In 2005 they gave the citizens of Connecticut well over 750,000 community service hours, ranging from eagle projects, to Scouting for Food to participating in the National Good Turn for America initiative.

Past Boy Scout Councils of Connecticut

Current Girl Scout Councils of Connecticut

The state of Connecticut has had its share of Girl Scouts of the USA councils since 1912. There were 53 councils that have served the state. Today the youth of Connecticut are proudly served by one council.

Past Girl Scout Councils of Connecticut

These camps need to be placed under the apprporiate council:

Scout Activities by County

Hartford / New Haven / New London /

External links