Queen Máxima of The Netherlands

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Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, Princes of the Netherlands, Princes of Orange-Nassau, Mrs. van Amsberg, is the wife of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander. Máxima is born on the 17th of may 1971 in Buenas Aires, Argentina as Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti. Since the death of her father-in-law, Prince Claus, she has taken the patron duty’s of Scouting Nederland.

Queen Máxima of The Netherlands
Occupation Queen Consort of the Netherlands
Spouse King Willem-Alexander
Children Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange
Princess Alexia
Princess Ariane
Parents Jorge Zorreguieta
María del Carmen Cerruti Carricart


On the 14th of September 2005, the former Princes Máxima of the Netherlands became patron of Scouting Netherlands. Queen Máxima stated that she wanted to work for the further of young people in the Netherlands. She indicated that she would like to contribute to the integration of the different groups in the society and to reduce the misunderstanding between cultures. Her way of achieving that, is trough emphasizing the possibilities that a multicultural society offers.


As the patron of the Dutch Scouts she visits multiple camps and events.

  • During the Scout-In, 2009, she joint a tour around the campsite and talked to various scouts.
  • For the Scout2day in may 2010, she left a video message for all contesters.
  • during the international meeting, Orange 2011. In The Hague, she attended the gala and dinner.
  • On June 13, 2015 she performed the official opening of Scouting Estate Zeewolde

Outside of Scouting

Next to Scouting, Máxima and her husband are also patrons of the “Oranje Fonds” (Orange Fund) that promotes social welfare in the Netherlands. As patrons they participate in the annual day-of-the-volunteer during the “NL-Doet” (NL-Does) event. Helping out by voluntarily working at numerous community projects.

beside being Queen, she’s serves as the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). As such she travels the world to raise awareness on the importance of inclusive financial systems. In her work as UNSGSA, the Queen focuses on how formal financial services such as savings, insurance, and credit can prevent people from falling into poverty.