District Roundtable

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Roundtables, Huddles, Forums or Wardrooms are held monthly by the local BSA District. A roundtable is a monthly presentation of unit program ideas, inspiration, and additional training for all leaders. The unit commissioner should let leaders know when and where the roundtable is held and give them an idea of what happens at a roundtable. Roundtables are enjoyable and convey many practical ideas for leaders to use.


The Purpose of the Roundtable


Roundtable provides supplemental training for volunteers at the unit level. The objectives of roundtables are to provide leaders with program ideas, information on policy and events, training opportunities, and an enhanced network of contacts and other resources while also providing unit leaders with a voice in formulating direction at the district level.

  • To provide the skill to do—skills, techniques, information, program ideas—the know-how that makes for successful unit operation.
  • To provide unit leadership with the will to do—the morale, enthusiasm, inspiration, and vision that periodically renew the desire to serve youth.
  • Help leaders develop an action plan for success.

Who Attends Roundtables? They are designed for all unit leaders.

  1. Cub Scout leader roundtables are for Cubmasters, den leaders, Webelos den leaders, all assistants, and pack committee members.
  2. Boy Scout leader roundtables are for Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and troop committee members.
  3. Varsity leader huddles are for Varsity Scout Coaches and other team leaders.
  4. Venturing forums are for adult crew leaders. On occasion, youth officers should attend also.

The Successful Roundtable People will want to come when:

  1. They get specific helps they can use during the coming month.
  2. There is a separate, helpful session for each program phase. Cub Scouting people are not much interested in discussing Boy Scouting, nor do Venturing leaders want to spend the evening watching Cub Scout demonstrations.
  3. There is a genuine sense of fellowship. They need to feel that they are wanted, that they are important, that they belong.
  4. Learning is largely by doing or watching instead of just listening. The ideal is to let the individual watch and then practice.
  5. A dependable schedule is maintained. This means both a regular night and a regular hour for opening and closing.
  6. Roundtables early in the month allow time for other steps in unit program planning before the end of the month.

Boy Scout Roundtable

The mission of the Boy Scout roundtable is to provide quality resources, knowledge, and skills to unit leaders to enable and motivate them to deliver an outstanding program to their Scout troops. Roundtables focus on program highlights for upcoming months, not on the current month.

Boy Scout Roundtables are focused on generating fun, excitement, and practical Scouting skills. Learning by doing and watching, not just listening, is essential. Scouters want to be active participants. When these ingredients are present, roundtable attendance will grow.

Roundtables are conducted monthly in every district. Because of their geographic size or to avoid conflicts with participants’ employment hours, some districts conduct multiple roundtables throughout the month.

Boy Scout Roundtables are for all troop leaders—Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and troop committee members. Unit commissioners attend the roundtables in which their leaders are involved. This may mean dividing their time between Boy Scout and Cub Scout leader roundtables.

  • Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide 2010-2011
  • Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner Training, No. 34256
  • Boy Scout Roundtable Hints

Varsity Scout Huddle

The Varsity Scout Huddle fulfills the same purpose as the Boy Scout Roundtable, with a focus on serving the needs of Varsity Scouts within a district.

Varsity Scout Huddles are for all team leaders—Team Coaches, assistant Team Coaches, and team committee members. Unit commissioners attend the Roundtables in which their leaders are involved. This may mean dividing their time between the Varsity Scout Huddle, and Boy Scout and Cub Scout leader Roundtables.

In districts where huddles are not regularly held, adult team leaders should attend the Boy Scout roundtable.

Venturing forum and Sea Scout Wardroom

The Venturing forum (formerly Venturing roundtable) and Sea Scout wardroom (or squadron meeting) fulfills the same purpose as the Boy Scout Roundtable, with a focus on serving the needs of Venturing and Sea Scouting within a district.

Cub Scout Roundtable

Cub Scout leaders join for fun and fellowship while learning new tricks, stunts, games, crafts, ceremonies, songs, and skits related to the Cub Scout theme and Webelos activity badges for the following month. There are also opportunities for sharing ideas and activities with leaders from other packs.

Cub Scouting roundtables are a form of supplemental training for volunteers at the pack level. The objective of roundtables is to give these pack leaders program ideas; information on policy, events, and training opportunities; and an opportunity to share experiences and enjoy fun and fellowship with other Cub Scouting leaders. The roundtable commissioner and staff demonstrate elements of a model meeting that leaders may use as a pattern for their own den and pack meetings. As a result of the roundtable experience, unit leaders will be inspired, motivated, and able to provide a stronger program for their Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos.

Check with your pack trainer or unit commissioner to find out the time and location of your district's monthly roundtable.

  • Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and Staff Basic Training Manual, No. 33013
